Grade I Officer

Application Criteria

The Auxiliary Medical Service (AMS) welcomes those who are interested in community services and medical work, and fulfill the following criteria to join:-

(1) be physically fit;
(2) obtain Secondary 3 level or above and be able to read and write Chinese (*Note);
(3) be at the age of 16 to below 60, and written consent from parents or guardians are required for those aged between 16 and 18; and
(4) be a permanent resident of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;

*Note Applicants failing to present academic proof showing that they meet the Chinese language proficiency requirement (i.e. a pass or above in Chinese Language in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) or the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) held by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA), or equivalent) are required to attend a Chinese written test, except those holding the following academic qualification:-
(1) Graduation Certificate of the Diploma Yi Jin Programme;
(2) Certificate of the Diploma of Applied Education Programme;
(3) Certificate of the HKDSEE or the HKCEE issued by the HKEAA with a pass or above in Chinese language;
(4) Graduation certificate of a matriculation course issued by the HKEAA with a pass or above in Chinese language; or
(5) Graduation certificate of a programme run by a local university or tertiary institution in Hong Kong including degree, associate degree, diploma or certificate (with a pass or above in Chinese language or reasonable evidence, e.g. studies in the Chinese Faculty).

Application Procedures

Interested parties who fulfill the above application criteria may refer to the Walk-in Interview Schedule and directly attend an interview with the required documents. They may immediately complete an application form and attend an interview without any reservation. Applicants may also send a completed application form to the Auxiliary Medical Service Headquarters, 81 Princess Margaret Road, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon by post, by fax to 27150245, or email to The AMS will send a written interview invitation to the applicants upon receipt of the application form.

After passing the interview, Medical examination will be arranged for applicants. The Auxiliary Medical Service will promptly inform those who have passed the medical examination of the arrangements and schedule of the induction training.

During induction training, trainees are required to pass the Occupational and Physical fitness test (including 1-minute push-up, 100-meter run or walk with first aid rucksack in 1 minute, 1-minute sit-up, 30-second Squat Thrust and 800-meter run or walk in 6 minutes) and other assessments, e.g. first aid, Chinese-style foot drill, ambulance aid and etc. Trainees who have passed the induction training assessment and Occupational Task and Physical Fitness Test and with satisfactory overall performance will be awarded a certificate and assigned to different units.

What types of training are required?

Trainees are required to attend about 132 hours of induction training, which covers the organisation of the AMS, national security education, first aid, discipline, squad drill, casualty handling, protection of personal data and patient privacy etc.

After formal enrolment, members are required to attend regular training (two Sunday mornings and one weekday evening every month) to gain more medical and first aid knowledge and skills, such as evacuation of casualties, disaster management, etc. Moreover, they will be arranged to receive the following courses: basic nursing care, Disaster Medical Assistant, driving, the application of radio communication equipment, leadership, management, life-saving, management of methadone clinics, etc.

Training sessions are usually held on weekday evenings, weekends or public holidays to facilitate members’ attendance Training centres and venues are established over the territory so that members can attend training near their homes.

What are their responsibilities?

Members will be mobilised to provide first aid services at the scene in case of major emergencies, such as floods, landslides, collapses of buildings, contagious diseases etc. Their usual first-aid services cover cycling tracks, country parks, major public functions and activities, ambulance depots of the Fire Services Department, methadone clinics, etc. They also offer paramedical support for hospitals and non-emergency ambulance services.